Have the energy bills for your home gone up dramatically over the last year? It could indicate a problem with your HVAC system. It could also be a sign that it’s time to consider replacing your windows and doors. However, more often than not, rising utility costs are closely tied to an issue with a home’s insulation. The insulation in your home might not be doing a good enough job, which is forcing your HVAC system to run all the time to heat or cool your property. Here is a quick overview of home insulation.
What is home insulation?
Insulation is a barrier that’s placed in the walls, ceilings, and floors of homes to prevent both heat loss and heat gain. Insulation can be made using a bunch of different materials, including fiberglass, mineral wool, polystyrene, cellulose, natural fibers, urea-formaldehyde foam, and more.
Why is it important?
Home insulation is important because, without it, air from inside your home will work its way through your walls, ceilings, and floors and end up outside. This will prevent your home from ever getting as hot or cold as it could be when you’re running your HVAC system. You could potentially cut your energy bills by more than 30 percent with the right insulation.
How often does it need to be replaced?
Because home insulation can be made from several materials, there is a chance that your insulation could last anywhere from just a couple years to more than a decade. But it’s important for you to remember that insulation doesn’t last forever. It may wear out over time and stop doing its job. It may also get damaged if it’s ever exposed to moisture and need to be replaced right away.
How can you check your home’s insulation levels?
It’s usually not possible to check the insulation levels in your home’s walls and floors. Nevertheless, you can climb up into your attic to see what kind of condition your insulation is in. Generally speaking, home insulation should be approximately 10 to 16 inches deep for it to function properly. You can also call on a contractor to come out and look at your insulation if you’re unable to do it yourself.
At Scott Merle Builders, we understand the importance of home insulation and strive to provide our clients with the best insulation in the business. Call us at 315-409-4124 today with any questions you might have about insulation or home renovations as a whole.